This page was last updated 11/26/2012 by Genna Sengstacke.
Assignment: For this web search, I want you to use the internet to find information, definitions, pictures, examples, etc. of any of the following terms related to this unit:

trigonometry, right triangle, hypotenuse, trigonometric ratio, tangent, sine, cosine

Please post your Web Search results here! Provide an explanation (minimum 1 paragraph) of the term you selected and attach the website link.

Also, you must comment on AT LEAST two other posts for your participation credit.

11/12/2012 01:37:00 am

I like to use the Khan Academy website ( learning new math concepts. This website offers lots of videos and practice questions. I found a GREAT video that provides an introduction to Basic Trigonometry. Some information I already knew, like what a right triangle is and which side is the hypotenuse. However, I learned new terms such as the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios. It all depends on which angle to use and identifying the sides opposite and adjacent. An easy way to remember the trig ratios is SOH-CAH-TOA. I also like this website because there is a blog where you can find questions and answers posted by other people.

* Note: When you click on the title "Sample Post" you will be linked directly to the website!!!
11/12/2012 02:20:02 am


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